Speech at the «2014» European Congress of Ethnic
Religions (ECER), at the Lithuanian
Parliament (Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas), in
Vilnius, Lithuania on July the 9th «2014»
is a continent that for centuries has given birth to
many notable cultures, ethnic traditions and
civilizations, the common characteristics of whom were
the dignity and self-determination of the human being,
the quest for virtue and for the truth, reverence for
the sacred, respect towards nature, the lifelong
affirmation one’s personal worth and the esteem that
comes with it, as well as the ideal of freedom.
Unfortunately, this tapestry of diverse yet similar
and complementary polytheistic cultures, ethnic
traditions and civilizations, ceased to exist when an
eastern, strange, expansive and intolerant religion
moved in forcefully and demanded the total
disappearance of everything that people knew, held as
sacred and preserved as social and spiritual values.
What followed this unprecedented invasion in Europe,
is more or less well known. Absolute cultural and
cognitive collapse, barbarity, monotheism,
superstition, hatred for everything that existed
previously, political autocracy and an insane, all
invasive theocracy, moral decline, abasement, genocide
and ethnocide, and of course the flames. Flames that
sprang and consumed unlucky human beings, masterpieces
of art and literature, everything that was directly or
indirectly representing the old “pagan” world that the
new rulers craved to exterminate.
The worst consequence of all these calamities was the
destruction of the self-awareness of the polytheistic
“ethne” of Europe and the gradual erasure of their
ethnic memory. Numerous generations of unlucky people
spent all their lives with no real notion of identity,
or who their ancestors were and how they viewed
themselves, unaware of the history of the land they
occupied. They had even forgotten the term “patris”
(patria, fatherland), and for many centuries, the
continent witnessed her children living completely
alienated from her soul, made to believe that they had
been “civilized” due to the bloody swords of
Constantine, Charlemagne and other monotheist
slaughterers, and praising the darkness as light. They
even went as far as to export their barbarity and
intolerance, first in the form of bloodthirsty
crusades towards the East, and, later, in the form of
bloodthirsty “explorations” to the, according to their
own vocabulary, “new worlds”.
Glimpses of the lost light of the pre- Christian
times, came back to our beloved Europe only in the
last centuries, and only through a long and painful
sequence of reinstatements, revivals, revolutions,
movements of enlightenment and, of course, through the
gradual re-acquirement of the abandoned genuine
identities by some intellectual vanguards of the
various European “ethne”. Since the 19th century of
the chronology of the arrogant religion who dared to
bisect the human History itself, most of the people of
Europe are aware that they are not a rootless and
amorphous human mass under the Cross or the Koran, but
the descendants of historically existent and, most of
them, glorious and advanced ancient “ethne”.
Some of these Europeans though, including us, have
developed a deeper insight on the subject. All who
perceive the flow of the time as circular and not
linear, know quite well that History has no final
destination but it simply follows the trends and
tensions created inside her by the historical subjects
at every single turn of the wheel of Eternity. And
they also do know, quite well, that for someone to win
the title of the “historical subject”, they must be
able to have their proposals and ideas alive and
attractive on the table, each time humanity is called
to choose its next course inside the infinite fractal
of History.
For us, each single actuality is a link. Every single
moment revives the entire past and comprises the
dynamics of the entire future. Seeing things in such a
way, we, the representatives of the native, ethnic,
indigenous, ancient but still alive Traditions and
Religions of Europe, work hard to turn the issue of
our complementary collective identities from a
spiritual privilege of an enlightened vanguard, into a
proud awareness and identification of all the
Europeans, in front of this admirable mosaic of the
genuine cultures, ethnic traditions and civilizations
of their ancestors. We reclaim the European identity.
We reclaim our true value systems and our true ways.
Our purpose is clear, to restore the once defeated but
not extinct, cultures of joy, freedom, polytheism,
dignity, piety and uprightness, and, being a Hellene,
please let me ad, of reason, humanism, eunomia and
May God Apollo’s light always shines on you.
Thank you very much for your attention.