“They are afraid of Nature
They are afraid of reasoning
They are afraid of eroticism
They are afraid of the truth
They are afraid of joy
They are afraid of the Gods
They are afraid of man
They are afraid of antiquity
They are afraid of thought
They are afraid of freedom
They are afraid of variety
They are afraid of quest
They are afraid of their end
and for that purpose, they sow
fear in the souls of their slaves.”
The human violence, hatred, anger
aggressiveness, superstition are deeply rooted in fear
and insecurity. The last two notions are the greatest
obstacles for every man who seeks to pursue freedom,
internal tranquility, autarky and bliss.
In turn, fear is rooted in the ignorance and the
self-deceit of a non-existing, egotistical
individualism (ie: atomistic soul) that deceives us by
making us believe that we are separated from the
universe, its processes and its Substance, separated
and alienated from the notion of the Whole.
Fear is rooted into an arbitrary cluster of
personality characteristics that the philosophy
aversive (non philosophical) humans consider as their
“ego.” A finite and shallow “ego” completely deprived
of any kind of unifying relationship that comes to
experience the natural World as something
incomprehensible, alarming, impenetrable and
threatening. The feelings of alienation and
differentiation constitute the basic precondition of
Fear and insecurity are synonyms. Individuals (and
systems) become phobic when they realize that they are
unable to form a cohesive image of their real “selves”
which shouldn’t be shrunk in a non-existing
Whoever feels insecure, he backfolds himself towards
his atomistic personality, frightfully takes cover
behind the fortress of his “ego” and ends up becoming
an egoist. A classical example of such a “fortress”
that the insecure use, is Christianity that steers and
directs the faithful individual towards exclusively
saving only his very own soul.
This not only applies to ordinary people but also to
nations, religions and/or other forms of collective
human actions. The notion of egoism in religions is
expressed through “dogmatic malevolence”, in other
words, the determining definition of the supposed
orthodoxies and the persecution of the supposed
unorthodoxies. Christianity, which is not only
alienated from the natural world but also its declared
enemy, officiates at this procedure as
The basic and final fear is the fear for the unknown
(which often is pictured as darkness where the human
mind can imagine almost everything, good or bad). The
fear for the unknown is in reality the fear felt for
everything outside of the sphere of “ego” or outside
“ego’s” traceable parts. The fear for the unknown is
the corridor leading to heterophobia (fearing
everything different from yourself).
The heterophobic individual or collectivized group
feels “threatened” by unknown situations or unknown
people. Racial hatred, religious intolerance and all
forms of unprovoked attacks are rooted in this threat
The phobic is scared by the per excellence
normal, that is the notion of the world as pure
motion. He gets scared towards the idea of an eternal
transformation of everything and refuses to accept it
by denouncing everything that scares him as being or
related to the “unknown”. The fear for this “unknown”
includes the primary fear, the greatest fear of all,
the ultimate fear of losing one’s “ego”, the fear of
Fear floods people with a double, contradictory
emotion and pushes them towards a form of
schizophrenia, where the full detachment from
reasoning and reality correlates with an absorption in
delirium and delusion. Fear abolishes reasoning and
distorts perception. Thus, it can only be fought off
through Knowledge and familiarization with the natural
world or with Recta Ratio, in other words, with
respect towards Nature or philosophical
Every egotistical individual and every egoistic
collectivized group are destined to waste endless
amounts of energy, thought, time and materials to
secure a delusional sense of external
Every back-folding towards the atomistic personality
is fatefully full of delusions. The fear of losing
“ego” (which is one way or another, one more delusion)
provokes an attraction to every form of further
Every denudation of people from their collective
support of their identity, every detachment of theirs
from the -deified and political in its dimension-
organic collectivity that had been established by the
pre-Christian world leads them to the deprivation of
every substance as well as the deprivation of their
very own existence’s background. The void is
transformed into fear and then into hatred for the
extraneous (these two last forms constitute what we
previously called “heterophobia”). The phobic
individuals (and the phobic collectivized groups)
detest the truth, the objective reality, the direct
contact with the internal and external nature and in
general, they hate everything extraneous and different
from their internal void that haunts them.
Whoever has fear, fatefully ends up exporting
The oppressors use Religions that propagandize fear as
well as Mass Media dedicated to form consciences,
aiming at increasing the distrust, the weakness
feeling and the fear among the oppressed.
Fear is an inexhaustible source from where each system
of oppression and exploitation of life draws energy.
The most devious forms of fear are the ones who
distribute fear equivalently, so as to be considered
as a natural condition of humans.
The mediation of fear distribution mechanisms makes
the phobic individuals to be classified according to
their form of fear: the ones suffering from
“self-generated” fear and the others who are
The flow of fear seems (without necessarily being)
endless. At the same time, however, it is absolutely
certain that it is fragile. Most of the
“fear-programmed” phobic individuals fear the simple
possibility of experiencing a Fear Void (lack of fear)
and from the realization of the tragic fragility of
what they have been programmed to consider their
supposed “natural” condition.
The “fear programmed” phobic individuals are
in a brace of shakes when facing either a mandatory
self- responsibility or the possibility of having
their languor terminated.
In general, whoever fears ends up a fanatic.
A part of fanaticism results from the fear of the
fanatic who is afraid of being wrong. The fanatic is
destined to support in fits and starts an (usually
non-existing) identity while he worships it almost
The fanatic attempts to reassure himself that what he
believes is supposedly right by having the illusion
that the more people believe the same things, the more
correct and right these things are. The fanatic
is haunted by a missionary spirit, a spirit of
The phobic individual and the phobic collectivized
groups almost never have the courage to try something
completely new or completely unknown. On the contrary,
they stubbornly remain attached to their familiar
habits and ways. Their lives are deprived of the
element of evolution, they are boring, cyclical,
dormant, tasteless, and meaningless. For that purpose,
the phobic turns to illusion and attempts to escape
through daydreaming.
This phobic attachment to only familiar matters
shouldn’t be confused with the natural respect towards
Tradition which is a system of values and consuetude
that someone follows as an organic part of a living
nation. Culturally, nations belong to Paganism, in
other words to the part of human civilization that
clings to an overall view of matters, as well as
fearlessness, complaisance and openness.
The amplitude of nations, the Ethnosphere, incarnates
polymorphism and Paganism blesses and secures it.
Polymorphism is the sole element that serves
communication and tolerance.
One truly loves only when he tolerates others and
simultaneously fights against those who do not
tolerate others. Indeed, tolerance can be expressed
both passively (by tolerating others) and actively (by
fighting against those who don’t tolerate
Besides its pompous declarations, Christianity both as
a collective system and as groups of separate and
distinct individuals that comprise it, due to its
phobic nature and insecurity, is completely incapable
of tolerating others and contributing to the social
well-being. On the contrary, it is always attempting
to make copies of itself while it simultaneously makes
grand efforts to grab material goods and human souls.
Complaisance is a completely unknown notion to the
phobic individual. The real complaisance is something
incomprehensible to Christianity.
It is impossible for someone to be open or feel
internal balance, amenity, tranquility and joy when he
is afraid of every sort of threats from the world
surrounding him, from different people, from people
that belong to different religions or from a supposed…
Tolerance requires good knowledge of the
cosmic and human matters and trust towards BEING. Only
the powerful exposure to the Very Being and the
acceptance of the sanctity of nature (either through
the Hellenic Philosophy and Humanism or through a
healthy polytheistic religiosity) can strengthen the
limits of tolerance of every man towards the others
and towards life itself.
Vlasis G. Rassias